0299 Atlas Brewery, Anderlecht, Brussels, BE

Atelier Kempe Thill, RE-ST, and Contekst won the invited international competition to transform the former Atlas brewery in Anderlecht into a new housing quarter. The complex factory site in Brussels will be developed into a green and sustainable neighborhood, with about 130 apartments, and shared collective facilities. All listed buildings of the site will be carefully restored and transformed. The elegant Art-deco brewery tower from the 1930s will serve as a new public and collective venue and function as a new urban and social landmark for the city district. The project development is going to be the result of a close collaboration between our team, and Life (Antwerp) plus B&R Bouwgroep (Arendonk) the clients.
Listed building, former brewery to be renovated and transformed in a housing project of about 130 apartments, communale spaces and facilities with a special attention to sustainibility
RE-ST, Antwerp
Contekst interior design, Antwerp
1st prize, commission
Life, Antwerp
B&R Bouwgroep, Arendonk