

Since the nineties, contemporary architecture is being confronted more and more with a contradictory phenomenon that appears on all scales and working fields. Architects are asked on one hand to produce very neutral and anonymous buildings that can be changed easily, are able to react on changing economic situations and are adaptable to different programs. On the other hand at the same time, they are asked to create very specific buildings that are easy to identify, possessing pleasant form with unique spaces and can be enjoyed by the users. Atelier Kempe Thill takes this modern paradox very consciously as the point of departure of the work. The office is by this able to create structures that are neutral and economic as well as being enjoyable and innovative. By doing so, architecture is free to express the hidden vitality of our time.


The working field of the office belongs within the realms of urban planning, public building and housing, but also research, education and publishing. Given the opportunity the office enters the design process earlier than normal shifting the emphasis from just solving problems to searching for the right questions. From an early stage the office is working closely together with various technical advisors to investigate all the design possibilities and push the project to its limits. By this the office is able to offer new solutions for the spatial organization and a better detailing of the building within the given, often limited – budgets. The pleasure of designing is combined with professional management. The quality of our work is important, therefore, the office prefers to work on the basis of full commission during the whole process allowing the office to guarantee a good product.


Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners was founded in 2000 by the two German architects, André Kempe and Oliver Thill, following their Europan 5 winning proposal of three hundred dwellings in Kop van Zuid, Rotterdam. The office’s range of work has systematically broadened since its foundation. Beginning with collective housing and small public building commissions, the practice portfolio has developed to include large renovation, infrastructure and urban design projects. Single-sided specialisation and the consequent limitations have been avoided through the wide diversity of commissions; as a result the practice is also more economically stable. Since its foundation, Atelier Kempe Thill has tried to establish itself within the wider European market. Through its participation in over two hundred international competitions, the office has acquired commissions in Austria, Belgium, Egypt, France, Germany, Morocco, the Netherlands, Russia and Switzerland. Atelier Kempe Thill is becoming increasingly well known in architectural circles. In the two decades the office has appeared in around five hundred publications worldwide, amongst which were four monographs. In addition, the office’s partners have given more than three hundred lectures. This professional recognition enables the office to acquire increasingly complex projects and compete with the larger, more commercial practices.



Born in Freiberg, East Germany, in 1968 and stud­ied at the TU Dres­den. He is a found­ing part­ner of the Rot­ter­dam based firm Ate­lier Kempe Thill, which he directs together with Oliver Thill since 2000. André Kempe has been engaged as studio master at the Delft Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy and the Acad­e­mie van Bouwkunst in both Arn­hem and Rot­ter­dam. He was an invited pro­fes­sor at the EPF Lau­sanne, PSBA Düsseldorf and the TU Berlin. In 2020 he was appointed as full professor at the Leibniz University of Hannover. André Kempe has given more than one hun­dred pub­lic lec­tures world­wide. He was a board mem­ber of Young Euro­pean Archi­tects and is cur­rently board mem­ber of the MONU magazine and Europan NL.


Born in Karl-Marx-Stadt, East Germany, in 1971 and stud­ied at the TU Dres­den. He is a found­ing part­ner of the Rot­ter­dam based firm Ate­lier Kempe Thill, which he directs together with André Kempe. Oliver Thill has been engaged as studio master at the Delft Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy, the Acad­e­mie van Bouwkunst in both Arn­hem and Rot­ter­dam, and the Berlage Insti­tute Rot­ter­dam and Delft. He was an invited pro­fes­sor at the EPF Lau­sanne, the PSBA Düsseldorf, Polytechnico di Milano and the TU Berlin. In 2020 he was appointed as full professor at the Leibniz University of Hannover. Oliver Thill has given more than one hundred pub­lic lec­tures world­wide. He was a board mem­ber of the Jaap Bakema Foun­da­tion Rot­ter­dam and writes on a reg­u­lar basis for the European architecture mag­azine “San Rocco”.


The office has currently about twenty-five employees.
Current staff:  Anaïs Le Grand, Antoine Canazzi, Danique van Hulst, David van Eck,  Edwige Leblay, Jacques van Haaster, Jan Gerrit Wessels, Jasper Straukamp, Jelmer Buurma, Jurriaan Blom, Katrin Friedrichs, Laura Paschke, Louis Lacorde, Marc van Bemmel, Marion Bröckel, Mikaël Pors, Nynke Bergstra, Pauline Merlet, Pauline Trochu, Phillip Haak, Pierre Berthelomeau, Ruud Smeelen, Sandra Mellaart, Saskia Hermanek and Stefanie Kuyl.


Andre Boucsein, Andris Rubenis, Andrius Raguotis, Anna Speakman, Anne-Laure Gerlier, Annette van Lit, Anja Müller, Antje Rohr, Ascen Barranco, Baptiste Galabrou,  Barbara Lechner, Benjamin Pohl, Bettina Pinks, Blanca Sanchez Babé, Blas Anton, Bruno Costa Godeiro, Charline Busson, Christina Widmer, Christine Hahnel, Christine Wrede, Christophe Banderier, Clara Roussel, Cormac Murray, Cornelia Sailer, Daniela Bergmann, Darrin Spel, Dik Houben, Dorte Borressen, Edda von Hodenberg, Eldrich Piqué, Ernst Steppon, Estelle Barriol, Frank Verzijden, Freya Wisman, Giorgio Terraneo, Goekcen Temelci, Grégoire Trutta, Guillem Lopez, Helen Webster, Helena Kounitzky,  Hendrik Metselaar, Jean-Michel Van De Putte, Jeroen Heintzbergen, Jeroen de Waal, Jeronimo Mejia, Jitske Torenstra, Karel Kubza, Karin Wolf, Kento Tanabe,  Kim van Kempen, Kingman Brewster, Koen Huijs, Kuba Narloch, Léa Pageau, Lena Behrendt, Magda Post, Marcel Geerdink, Mareike Krautheim, Maria Dau, Marion Serre, Marisa Brunner, Martins Duselis, Martin Hättasch, Maxence Heidet, Michael Schwaiger, Minh Huynh, Nadja Borkowski, Nick Mols, Paddy Siewerts, Pauline Durand, Pauline Marcombe, Pauline Quintart,  Peter Graf, Philip Stalbohm, Rafael Alencar Saraiva, Reinier Suurenbroek, Renzo Sgolacchia, Rick Hospes, Roel van der Zeeuw, Rookje Meijerink, Roswitha Abraham, Sebastian Heinemeyer, Sarah Najem, Sebastian Humpert, Sezen Zehra Beldag, Sjors Hagenbeek, Stefanie Diwischek, Stephanie van der Hor, Takashi Nakamura, Teun van der Meulen, Thomas Antener, Tobias Winthuis, Tomasz Stanislawczyk, Valérie Van de Velde, Vivianna Muscettola, Wim Bruneel and Yves Franchimon.